Payment Plans
Sell More, Spend less, Grow your business.
How it works
The Plan
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Stay one step ahead of the competition.
Kafaalat is a contemporary payment plan that allows a real-estate developer to market a flexible payment plan to each and every customer wishing to purchase a property.

The Kafaalat team having created this unique payment plan provide an end-to-end service to enable a developer to remain focused on their existing core business such as property development and sales.

Increase sales.
The Kafaalat Payment Plan allows a real-estate developer to provide a flexible payment plan for each any and every customer. The Kafaalat Payment Plan enables the acquisition of new customers with high acceptance rates. The Kafaalat Payment Plan enables pricing to be set on a customer to customer basis.

Reduce administrative costs.
By taking the Kafaalat Payment Plan, you are able to reduce overheads and free up vital resources to focus on core activities. You are able to minimise non-profit capital expenditure and eliminate investment in fixed infrastructure.

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